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How is blockchain delivering on its promise?

Blockchain technology is delivering on its promise with seamless cross-border payments. What's the World Economic Forum doing to accelerate action on Blockchain? Blockchain technologies are connecting global financial systems so they are easily interoperable, efficient, affordable and accessible.

What is blockchain technology & how can we use it?

Blockchain technology is showing that we can connect financial infrastructure so that no matter where you are in the world, systems and forms of value can interoperate with each other.

What trends will shape the blockchain industry in the year ahead?

This article explores the trends that will shape the blockchain industry in the year ahead, and I hope to also offer what these trends mean for organizations today. 1. Governments will embrace blockchain technology. Blockchain technology can allow governments to conduct their business more effectively.

Is the future of blockchain multi-chain?

This became apparent to developers in 2021 when the “gas” fees to use Ethereum soared as more people used its blockchain. This turned developers and investors on to competing blockchains (so-called “Layer 1” solutions). It’s become clear that the future of blockchain is “multi-chain” – which is great news actually.

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